Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mount Everest and the mole-hill

There are some days when you roll up your sleeves and decide to tackle an issue that has been pending for a long, long time. Something new, unknown and not at all exciting… the typical energy-sapper which is on your mind, maybe for months…

The reasons for getting stuck are all in your mind. It has started for instance, due to wrong directions. There are some really ‘nice & helpful’ sorts in this world… you want to go to a place… no map in hand and you ask one such person how to go let’s say to the 'east'. The dude doesn’t know east from west! No. Let’s say east from north-east. So does he say “I’m not sure…” ?? No way!! Instead he smugly points out to the wrong direction (he means to help you, after all!) And you my friend end up lost, moving in circles.

If you are looking for an address this can be a bit more simple. But in my case this was a
“Semi-legal” activity, if I can term it as such. To have an 'Indemnity bond' made, duely ‘franked'… A method was suggested which was not only tedious but actually incorrect, (as I was to realise later) by this person who had probably meant well.

And what did I do? Nothing about my task. Just stood still and blissfully ignored it while it kept gnawing at me all the time. For three months, nothing… not even any more research!

But this morning I decided to tackle it… get it over with once and for all! Work hard to get lucky, as they say. A strong resolve does a lot. Luckily, a friend had done this not too long ago, and readily helped… and so, some more directions… this time the correct ones and guess what?? I was done in 15 minutes, no exaggeration! Wow!! Wouldn’t have believed it if someone told me this yesterday that the Mount Everest of my mind was nothing more than a mole-hill.

Moral of the story: Sometimes the right people and the right directions appear when you move. Just move… Take action!!

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